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  • Writer's pictureChantel, Nikki, & Mags

A Snowshoer's Winter Wonderland

I don't know about you, but for the last three years, I've spent my New Year's Day with an adventurous trip of sorts. It didn't need to be big, but definitely something to remember each new year by. This year was snowshoeing in up in Pemberton, British Columbia!

See now, Vancouver gets absolutely no snow during December.... just sad sad rain, that's why we tend to drive out to our snow-scaped cities to catch them winter feels.

Vancouver weather during December

(yes that what December looks like in Vancouver)

Our day started early in the morning at 7am. (....p.s. that's considered early if you spent the night out for NYE loool ) and as a ritual, we went for McD breakfast, courtesy of Chantel's wallet hahah

He did not know what he was getting himself into
Post NYE vibes

Pemberton is about a 2h30 drive from Vancouver, please also note that you are required winter tires to drive on HWY99 aka the Sea to Sky or that's a ticket + a risky drive up! On the drive up you'll get to see the views along the Howe Sound, and the surrounding mountains as you pass through Squamish and Whistler.

When we arrived up at the parking lot, it was completely snowed in, even the additional parking lot. What you have to do is actually find a spot along the highway with enough clearance for oncoming traffic. I highly do not recommend this as there's a risk of getting your car towed...there were a bunch of us parked on one side soooo.. "monkey see monkey do" am I right?

There's three lakes in total to hike up to, for this hike we only ventured off to the second lake since we kinda came in a little late, but getting up to the third is 100% doable with the same time frame we had.

Trail Marker

The beginning of the trail already has spectacular views with the snow, the snow does make everything seem so serene and beautiful!

When you get a quarter of the way you reach the view of the valley, offering the sight of our beautiful coastal mountains and snow-covered trees. This is such a treat for all you fellow snow weather lovers hehehe

Valley View in Joffre Lakes Provincial Park

Joffre lakes is a very popular hike in the spring, summer, and fall months, so enjoying the scenery and quiet hike during the winter is something that you'll get to experience

We reached the second lake within 1.5hrs, had lunch and actually ran into one of Seb’s acquaintances... small world!

Second Lake View

If you decide to venture a little further, you’ll reach the infamous instagram log followed by a small waterfall. Along the trail you’ll get to see more of the mountain peaks, you’ll really want to soak it all in before heading back down.

If you want further instructions on how to get there I suggest visiting Outdoor Vancouver's or All Trails for a hiking guide! Remember the 10 Essentials and to Leave No Trace. We want everyone to enjoy Mother Nature's beautiful scenery, so please take care of your parks :)

What did you all do on your first day of the Year? Any suggestions for next year?

Keywords: Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, Canada, helloBC, HikeBC, NorthShore Rescue, mountain views, Provincial Parks, hiking, adventures, backpacking, snow

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