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  • Writer's pictureChantel, Nikki, & Mags

Hopper: My BFF

The Hopper app is like that best friend that always encourages awesome choices, but unlike a real best friend that might encourage you to make a choice you might regret (in some circumstances), Hopper has not let me down. Not once have I said "Man, I wish Hopper didn't tempt me with that amazing deal!".

I work hard for my money so I like to save where I can. Sometimes I make spur of the moment decisions and book something that pops up on Hopper because I cannot resist. It is like it knows the way to my heart, or it could be that I search and "watch" for flights I am interested in...constantly. 😂

When I am home I help run my families restaurant and on multiple occasions I have raved to customers interested in my travels about how much Hopper has saved me. They ask me how I afford all my adventures and I tell them, "Hopper!" It always seems too good to be true for them. I have had them come back to the restaurant just to ask me what the name of the app was again. In fact, while I was sitting here writing this a lady just came up to me and asked what app I often use for my travels. "Well now that you mention it...", I'm sure you can imagine what my response was.

Travelista Life loves to travel with other like minded friends, and being the travel experts that we are we do all the planning and the booking. Therefore, we often purchase flights for not only us, but friends. We want to help people that work ordinary day jobs like us save money and spread the word on the best way to do that. People always think travel is more expensive than it has to be, which is not usually true. It always just takes a bit of research and time looking into all the best ways. So this app is a great start, especially if you have flexible dates for your trip.

I am always "watching" flights for Europe. I put in the amount of time, for me it is 4-14 days, and I get stuff like in the image below, to various cities around Europe. Paris is a common one to find great deals for. It is hard not to spend a romantic weekend in Paris with your significant other with prices like these. It is a smart phone app and only works on Android or Apple phones, not computers, but that is part of the beauty of it. It is made simple and easy. If you don't have it, download it now! Hopper for iPhone - Book Flights & Hotels by Hopper or for Android here. (We are not getting paid to say this in any way).

Hopper you always know what I want or what I'm looking for, with a little help from my settings of course. 😉 I probably don't need to keep going on, just download it and find out for yourself! Hoppy travels...sorry that was cheesy I know haha. 😂

Just incase you didn't believe me on how much I use this app. Here is a screenshot as proof. Top 10% of users! Not bad, not bad! 😊😉

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