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  • Writer's pictureChantel, Nikki, & Mags

Must-packs for Mexico

If you're like me, aka last minute packer, you're most likely going to miss a bunch of little things that may be crucial to your stay in another country. Here's some things you need or should consider for your trip to Mexico.

1. Bug Spray

This is number one on my list because we were eaten alive even just being outside for 10 minutes!

2. Organic biodegradable bug spray and sunscreen

If you're planning to go on any excursion that involves you going into the cenote's, swimming in the reefs, Xel-Ha (waterpark), you're going to need biodegradable products. This is because harmful chemicals found in our regular bug spray and sunscreens will damage the beautiful coral reefs and ecosystems found in Mexico, which they are trying to protect. Do some research and find one before you leave, or you can buy it from your guide for $15 USD for the sunscreen and $9.75 USD for the bug spray.

3. Portable Chargers

These bad boys ensure that you can capture, snap, post, and share your photos and videos to family and friends back home.

4. Waterproof case/pouch

Life saver for any activity you plan on doing, it will keep your phone dry and dirt free. Highly recommend for your excursions if you do not have a action cam such as a GoPro. I bought mine on amazon, but they also sell them in many of the stores and gift shops for about $30 -35 USD depending where you go (you might be able to get one for $10 USD in the market).

5. Hat

Do not forget your hats! I got a pretty bad sunburn on my scalp believe it or not, and it didn't help that my hair was already black making it 10x more hot on the head. (I mean look at that man's sombrero, envious!)

6. Umbrella

Another Life saver item. When you go visit sites such as Tulum or Chichen Itza you will want something to shade you from the scorching heat, the umbrella will forever be your friend.

7. Pouch for Feminine products

Bring extras and be prepared, who knows if your friend might have it! ahhaha (inside joke)

8. One formal wear

I suggest bringing one formal outfit for those fancy dinners at the resort, or if some restaurants/places don't accept casual clothing. (No spaghetti straps or tanks!).

In the end just make sure you do the research, and plan at least a day or two before leaving to make sure you have all your essentials.

If you have any questions or other suggestions for must packs make a comment in the section below!

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