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  • Writer's pictureChantel, Nikki, & Mags

Workout While Traveling

If you are like us and like to be on the go while you are traveling you get a lot walking, running, and hiking in. If you want to get a little something extra in try this awesome circuit workout!

It will help you with strength and endurance without any extra equipment other than some runners and workout attire. It only takes about 20 minutes!

Cycle 1 (30 seconds each, 2-3 Cycles)

Slow Jog

High Knee


Slide Jump Shot

Air Squat

Defense Slide

Vertical Mountain Climb

Fast Kick

Half Tuck Jump

Square Hop

30 seconds to 1 minute rest in between each cycle

Cycle 2 (30 seconds each, 2-3 Cycles)

Lateral Speed Step

Football Up/Downs

Feet Jack

Plyo Jump Jack

Jump Lunge

Fast Kick

Jump Lunge to Feet

Broad Jump

Speed Skate

Jump Rope (with or with out jump)

This workout will really make you break a sweat but makes you feel amazing for the rest of the day. After you do this you won't feel as guilty for trying all those tasty treats abroad. Enjoy!

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